Am 22.4. wäre der russische Revolutionär Wladimir Iljitsch Uljanow, besser bekannt als Lenin, 150 Jahre alt geworden. Zu diesem Anlass gibt es einen Live-Stream (auf Englisch) in Verteidigung Lenins.


150 years ago on 22 April, Vladimir Lenin, the great Marxist and leader of the Russian Revolution, was born. For over a century, there has been a sustained campaign to slander his name and distort his ideas, ranging from bourgeois historians and apologists to various reformists, liberals and assorted anarchists. Their task has been to discredit Lenin, Marxism and the Russian Revolution in the interests of the “democratic” rule of bankers and capitalists. In our latest podcast, Rob Sewell (editor of the British Marxist paper, Socialist Appeal) sets the record straight.

Schaut den Live-Stream auf:

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